Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Lately I have thought of the word invest. And no this post is not about financial matters. I married an accountant, and that's the extent of my financial expertise! (Love ya hun!) The dictionary has a few definitions of the word;

  • To clothe, as with office or authority; to place in possession of rank, dignity, or estate; to endow; to adorn; to grace; to bedeck; as, to invest with honor or glory; to invest with an estate.
  • To expend (time, money, or other resources) with a view to obtaining some benefit of value in excess of that expended or to achieve a useful purpose; as, to invest a lot of time in teaching one's children.,

I want to focus on how we are invested in ourselves and how others have invested in us. Far too often negative thoughts fill our minds. I have felt them, as I am sure have others. Those doubtful thoughts such as "Am I worth it?" "Nobody really cares about me" "If I were to just disappear nobody would notice" "I just don't have what it takes".

Something that has hit me lately is the extent of investments put towards me. There are so many people that have invested in me. My wife, my kids, my parents, my Saviour, my Father in Heaven. They have "extended time, money and other resources" to make me and my life "achieve a useful purpose." They want me to succeed! My wife and children not only want me to succeed for my sake, but my success directly relates to their happiness and well being. They put forth so much energy in my behalf. Prayers on my behalf from them, my parents, other family members and friends have affected my life. Each one of those heartfelt and selfless prayers is an investment in me.

And then there is Our Father and His Son. We find through covenants we make with God that we are "clothed (or endowed) with authority'. We have been promised we can be "invested with honor or glory". They want to see me succeed. They have done so much and put so much in my life to help me reach my potential. Christ gave His life. My Father in Heaven created a plan, solely for the purpose of me to return to His presence and reach my full potential. As God told Moses "For behold, this is my work and my glory—to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man." (Moses 1:39) Pretty powerful words. And a very comforting promise. God is working hard and find joy and glory in seeing us succeed. It is strengthening to know the Creator of All is on my side.

So when those self-defeating feelings of doubt and depression hit, remember that there are so many wanting you to succeed. People are invested in you. And God wants you to invest in yourself. Do those things that strengthen you, that make you happy.

You are worth it. You are so definitely worth it.

1 comment:

  1. You are worth it! So definitely worth everything. Love you lots!
