Tuesday, October 4, 2011

The storms of life

So I am sitting here watching a blustery fall storm. The rain is coming down and the wind is howling. It makes me grateful I am sitting in this nice comfy building that is providing protection from the storm.

It reminds me of how quickly the 'storms' of life can sneak up on us. One minute we are basking in the beautiful sun, soaking up the warmth, and then suddenly a storm rolls in. The dark clouds gather, an eerie grey hue covers the landscape, the wind begins to whip in and the rain begins to poor.

These storms of life come in many forms. Physical, emotion and spiritual trials. They come in all sizes, big to small. Some are caused by decisions we make, others are because of decisions from those around us, and yet some are because we live on this earth, where trials are a given.

Each trial we face, each storm that pounds against us, has one thing in common. WE are the ones that decide how we face those storms. We are the ones that decide if we just sit out in the cold, huddled in a ball, weeping and wondering 'why me?'. Or we can decide to face the storm head on, with the right equipment wrapped around us, determined not to let the storm get you down, searching for that break in the clouds.

And then there are times we need to take cover, find safe shelter. That shelter can be in the arms of loved ones. Perhaps a listening ear of a close friend. The gentle and comforting advice of a priesthood leader. Shelter gives us the strength to move on.

But our ultimate shelter can and should come from the love of our Father in Heave and our Savior Jesus Christ. That is where we will find the greatest strength against the storms of life. The will and ability to face those storms.

And face them we must. We cannot shy away from them. For in those storms we find the greatest capacity to grow. So gain the strength shelter can give. Then face those trials head on, with a determination to see it through to the end. Find that light in the darkness and continue on.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Lately I have thought of the word invest. And no this post is not about financial matters. I married an accountant, and that's the extent of my financial expertise! (Love ya hun!) The dictionary has a few definitions of the word;

  • To clothe, as with office or authority; to place in possession of rank, dignity, or estate; to endow; to adorn; to grace; to bedeck; as, to invest with honor or glory; to invest with an estate.
  • To expend (time, money, or other resources) with a view to obtaining some benefit of value in excess of that expended or to achieve a useful purpose; as, to invest a lot of time in teaching one's children.,

I want to focus on how we are invested in ourselves and how others have invested in us. Far too often negative thoughts fill our minds. I have felt them, as I am sure have others. Those doubtful thoughts such as "Am I worth it?" "Nobody really cares about me" "If I were to just disappear nobody would notice" "I just don't have what it takes".

Something that has hit me lately is the extent of investments put towards me. There are so many people that have invested in me. My wife, my kids, my parents, my Saviour, my Father in Heaven. They have "extended time, money and other resources" to make me and my life "achieve a useful purpose." They want me to succeed! My wife and children not only want me to succeed for my sake, but my success directly relates to their happiness and well being. They put forth so much energy in my behalf. Prayers on my behalf from them, my parents, other family members and friends have affected my life. Each one of those heartfelt and selfless prayers is an investment in me.

And then there is Our Father and His Son. We find through covenants we make with God that we are "clothed (or endowed) with authority'. We have been promised we can be "invested with honor or glory". They want to see me succeed. They have done so much and put so much in my life to help me reach my potential. Christ gave His life. My Father in Heaven created a plan, solely for the purpose of me to return to His presence and reach my full potential. As God told Moses "For behold, this is my work and my glory—to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man." (Moses 1:39) Pretty powerful words. And a very comforting promise. God is working hard and find joy and glory in seeing us succeed. It is strengthening to know the Creator of All is on my side.

So when those self-defeating feelings of doubt and depression hit, remember that there are so many wanting you to succeed. People are invested in you. And God wants you to invest in yourself. Do those things that strengthen you, that make you happy.

You are worth it. You are so definitely worth it.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Just Listen...

A few Saturdays ago I was wandering around a book store, trying to find something to read. While visiting the bathroom there was a man in there, scraggly beard, dressed in rags, on crutches, and with one leg amputated from the knee down. He was washing up in the sink. I quickly washed my hands and headed out.
After browsing a bit longer I left the store. As I was driving away I noticed the same elderly standing in the middle of the parking lot as it started to rain. As I pulled away I received a very strong impression to turn around and help the man. But the 'natural man' took over and I started making excuses as to why I didn't need to turn around and help;

I need get home and help my wife and kids.
I really don't have anything to give him.
There has to be organizations that are helping "those" type of people.
I will have other chances to help others.
I should watch a movie tonight.
Oh I like this song on the radio.

On and on the excuses went. I arrived home and helped get the kids to bed. While my wife and I were talking I made the comment that I saw this one-legged man that looked like he needed help and I first thought about helping. Then my wife said "Do you want to go back and give him something?" Finally it broke through my thick skull. We gathered food, clothing, shoes, a jacket and other items and stuffed them in a backpack and off I went. On my way I thought I would find him, give him the backpack full of stuff and maybe even take him to dinner somewhere. Perhaps find a place for him to shower and wash his clothes.

For the next hour I drove around the area, and most of downtown Logan looking for this man. I went into a half a dozen stores asking if anyone saw him. Nothing. I stopped and sat in the car and prayed that I could find this man and help him out. I started thinking of the places he would go for shelter; the bus station, old storage units, an empty car wash. But nothing.

I missed my chance. The spirit practically slapped me across the face and I so easily made up excuses. I drove home feeling horrible. I had the opportunity to help someone but I was too consumed with my wants and needs (ok, that is probably stretching it. They were just plain wants) that I didn't help someone that truly was in need. Someone who the Lord had put in my path to give me a chance to reach out to another. To look beyond myself. I failed.

Don't get me wrong, I didn't go home and lock myself in my room, never to see the light of day again. Live goes on. But I hope I have learned my lesson. In fact, I know I am more aware of those around me now. I sat down and discussed with my family how we can serve others and we came up with 12 different things we can do between now and Christmas. It is day two and I can already see the effect it has had on me and my family.

So open your heart to that still small voice that urges you to reach out and help others. And then act...act now! Don't wait. Don't make excuses. Just serve.

P.S. I have kept that backpack in my truck since that fateful day. Some way, some how I am going to find that man. And when I do I will be ready.

And I will listen.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

I love to see the temple!

Sunday I gave a lesson on the temple and the 'Living Waters' that flow from it's doors. It really made me reflect on how well I take advantage of the powers of heaven we receive by serving in the temple. A good friend of mine has been a blessing in this regard. He has helped me realize how much I NEED the temple. I need to go not to just 'fill my quota' or to 'get on the good list', but I truly need it. I need the strength and power it gives me to carry on in this life. I need the spirit it gives me to help know when I can bless the lives of others. I need the peace it brings when I feel like things are spiraling out of control. I need to feel that love of God that comes by serving in His holy house. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not perfect at all this. There are times I go just to go, or fall asleep or run into steel bars (long, but funny story), but every time I go I gain a greater love for that holy ground and sacred building. Bit by bit, visit by visit, name by name, I become more like my Savior. And that is ultimately what I need to focus on and what I need to be happy in this life and in the life to come.

Russell M. Nelson said "...each holy temple stands as a symbol of our membership of the church, as our sign of our faith in life after death, and as a sacred step toward eternal glory for us and our eternal families."

So to help our family focus on the temple my wife asked me to take a picture of the temple to hang in our home. It is a wonderful reminder to me, my wife, and my children to live a 'temple centered life'. And to share and help others, even if just a little, to make the temple part of their home, I am offering the image below to anyone who would like it...for free! I will even customize it with any text you would like. Just email me at 'beensogood@gmail.com' with the size you would like, any text requests and I will send you the file to print off. We printed our 16x20 copy at good ol' Sam's Club and it turned out just great.

And to finish off, I encourage you to watch this video from Mormon Messages.

p.s. For those of you who would like a picture of other temples I apologize, Logan is all I've got right now. But stay tuned, you will likely see other temples pop up now and then. I think I need to go on a temple trip!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Hello World

Anyone that knows me knows that I am a music fanatic. Music speaks to me in a way that moves me. The song "Hello World" from Lady Antebellum is one of those songs. There are so many things that are wanting our attention. But in reality God and our family should come before anything else. That is what I hear when I listen to this song.

Traffic crawls, cell phone calls
Talk radio screams at me
Through my tinted window I see
A little girl, rust red minivan
She's got chocolate on her face
Got little hands, and she waves at me
Ya, she smiles at me

Hello world
How've you been?
Good to see you, my old friend
Sometimes I feel cold as steel
Broken like I'm never gonna heal
I see a light, a little hope
In a little girl
Hello world

Every day I drive by
A little white church
It's got these little white crosses
Like angels in the yard
Maybe I should stop on in
Say a prayer
Maybe talk to God
Like he is here
Oh I know he is there
Ya, I know he's there

Hello world
How've you been?
Good to see you, my old friend
Sometimes I feel as cold as steel
And broken like I'm never going to heal
I see a light
A little grace, a little faith unfurled
Hello world

Sometimes I forget what living's for
And I hear my life through my front door
And I'll be there
Oh I'm home again
I see my wife, little boy(s), little girl
Hello world

All the empty disappears
I remember why I'm here
Just surrender and believe
I fall down on my knees
Oh hello world
Hello world

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Why, oh why?!

So you are probably wondering what this blog is about. Truthfully, I'm not sure I even know what this blog is ALL about, or what it will evolve into. But the title gives me a starting point. The phrase "Because God has been so good to me" comes from a book a good friend of mine let me borrow. A son was asking his aging father why he was still paying tithing, even when he had spent a good part of his 70+ year life sacrificing and serving for the Lord. Why not keep the money? It's not all the much in the 'grand scheme of things'. The elderly man had very little as far as material possessions go. Even keeping up with the bills and keeping food in his fridge was becoming difficult. The son's intentions were good, he didn't want to see his father struggle financially. But when asked why he continued paying tithing, even after all the sacrifices he had made in the name of his God, he simply said, "Son, I pay my tithing because God has been so good to me".

This phrase hit me to the core. If you really think about it, it could be the answer to every question, doubt or struggle we may have.

Q: Why do I have to go home teaching EVERY month?
A: Because God has been so good to me.

Q: My kid is such a pain during Sunday School! Why shouldn't I take my kid home for a nap during church?
A: Because God has been so good to me.

You get the picture. Really and truly there are so many things we 'rationalize' our way out of. I am guilty as charged. But I am trying to remember this phrase as I get those overwhelming urges to cut corners, skip out, or just plain be lazy spiritually.

I am sure I am not the only one that feels at times like a failure parent. At least I hope I am not. Those times when all I want to do is put myself in time out and let my crying, fighting and ornery kids just duke it out and then I come out of my sound proof room (I wish!) and deal with the bloody aftermath. What's a few bloody noses or broken bones, right?! But during those times when my patience is thinner than my 33yr old hair, I try to remind myself how patient God has been with me. Why should I muster all the patience I can and treat my kids with love and kindness? Why should I be good to them? Answer: because God has been so good to me.

So let me remove all doubt right up front. I am not perfect. I repeat, I AM NOT PERFECT. Just like everyone else I am an imperfect being trying his best to live a perfect gospel given by a perfect God to help us become perfect like him. So this blog is one way for me to reflect on my blessings, share my talents, and perhaps even help others along their way. At times I will give away designs (similar to my blog header above) I have made or give options for people to request custom designs. Feel free to comment, give advice or just say hi.

But overall this blog is to remind me that yes, God has been good to me.